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"CBCT-based planning and execution with Piezotome-enhanced sinuslift-procedures A hands-on-workshop "

Workshop start at: 12-11-2024 09:00 am till 12-11-2024 17:00 pm
Price: 2500 EGP
Course Location: Hilton Green Plaza
Contact Hours: 8

Although short implants get more and more popular for treatment in the molar area of the maxilla, still at least 50% of all patients present a subantral crest-height of only 4mm or less, not suitable for insertion of short implants.
The workshop will start with a short basic revision of current knowledge of the physiology of bone-regeneration in sinuslift-sites as well as CBCT-based diagnosis of the sinuses and virtual planning of the sinuslift procedure to prevent pitfalls before therapy starts.
The second part of the workshop then will be dedicated to the training of the participants in Piezotome-enhanced sinuslift-procedures with lateral and transcrestal approach on specimens and sinuslift-models.
