Dentistry In The Cradle Of Civilizations

The 23rd AIDC: 48 years & Still Going….

The world of dentistry will be descending upon the Pearl of the Mediterranean, Alexandria, holding its 23rd Alexandria International Dental Congress in “The Cradle of Civilizations”, Egypt. At the meeting point of the 3 continents, Asia, Africa & Europe, Egypt has been the cradle of civilizations since ancient times. The city of Alexandria is the meeting point of ancient civilizations and proudly hosts the world’s first university, Bibliotheca Alexandrina, with its college scholars; Euclid, Esrastosthenes, Heron, & Archimedes, to name but a few.

The Alexandria International Dental Congress started in 1979, and has been held ever since every 2 years. Historically, the Alexandria International Dental Congress is the FIRST international congress in the field of dentistry throughout Egypt & the middle east. This congress marks a milestone where major advancements in dental science, oral health care and technologies are under focus.

The mission of the AIDC is to advance the delivery of quality dental health-care. In accordance with this mission, there is a large scientific programme, with some of the best clinicians and researchers from around the globe covering all disciplines, latest techniques and information. Moreover, there is an extensive exhibition featuring the products and services of national and international companies, as well as, the introduction of new technologies to help improve oral health-care.

In accordance with its mission, The Faculty of Dentistry, Alexandria University is welcoming all of you to its 23rd International Dental Congress.