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Efficient Workflow for Endodontic Treatment and Composite Resorations

Workshop start at: 14-11-2024 09:00 am till 14-11-2024 17:00 pm
Price: 3000 EGP
Course Location: Hilton Green Plaza
Contact Hours: 8

The purpose of the workshop is to make a critical appraisal of how endodontics and restorative, combined, have a large influence on the outcome of the endodontic treatment.

Endodontics today offers great opportunities in term of simplicity and predictability of results.

Today we can rely on a new approach based on reduced tooth structure removal so to leave more sound dentine in the restorative section of the tooth, and still achieve ideal endodontic treatment. 

The new instruments, the new ways of irrigating canals, three dimensional obturation offer a reliable way of treating teeth with a pulpal involvement in an easy and predictable way.

Modern materials and procedures in adhesive restorations, including dentin bonding agents, resin composites, color and aesthetics principles, the step by step procedures for direct restorations will also be discussed. Adhesive technologies have contributed to change the way dentists conceive aesthetic restorations. The silent revolution of dentin bonding agents has allowed practitioners to minimize their preparations: it is now possible to obtain an “invisible” restoration in terms of color, shape and surface texture. Due to the improvements of materials and techniques, dentists can restore aesthetic appeal and function with a low biological and financial cost.

Patients are aware of the new technologies, and require treatments that are highly aesthetic, minimally invasive, repairable and not too expensive. Resin composite restorations can fulfill all these requirements. However, the correct protocols have to be implemented to achieve clinical success and to obtain invisible restorations.

The demo and the hands on will focus on root canal preparation, irrigation and obturation, and on direct composite restoration.

