The terminal atrophic maxilla with an entirely resorbed alveolar crest presents the highest challenge regarding surgical procedures for bone-augmentation to reconstruct the alveolar ridge for implant placement.
Mostly, intraoral bone harvesting resources to rebuild the entire maxilla are not sufficient and voluminous augmentations of the entire maxilla are highly prone to partial or complete failure. 

Contrary, subperiostal implants have proven to provide good long term results already 30 years ago, but creating an individual subperiostal implant for the entire maxilla was highly challenging both surgically as well as in the manufacturing process. 

Contemporary CBCT-based virtual construction of individual frame implants including temporary or definite bridges for immediate loading and manufacture by laserprinting the Titanium-frame and resin milling the bridges, for the first time enables a precise and predictable treatment with one single surgical step. 

The lecture will guide the auditorium through the simple steps how to create and surgically apply the individual frame implant.