Recent scientific discoveries in the last century revealed some mind-blowing findings. Almost 14 billion years ago, the entire universe as we know it, including all mater and energy, was condensed into something smaller than a spec of sand known as the singularity. Due to unknown reasons, it lost its stability, and exploded in a Big Bang like a pop corn into the vast universe in less than a fraction of a second, through the process of cosmic inflation. Edwin Hubbel discovered that the universe is expanding very fast and that the light and information coming from distant regions of space will never reach us setting the boundary between multiverse I and II. From the vastness of space to the atomic structure are more wonders. Particle collider experiments accelerate electrons, protons, and neutrons to enormous speeds and collide them to break them into their original smaller units. Today we have more than 48 subatomic particles which have some amazing properties. Subatomic particles can behave as small particles or as packets of energy units known as quanta, they can rearrange themselves in various forms, exist in two places at the same time, have some sort of awareness, and play hide and seek games with the observer, setting the boundary of multiverse III and IV. So are you ready to meet new copies of You, all living in their own dimension unaware of each other? How all that is going to erratically change our dental practice in the future? Well for starters, biotechnology will replace fillings, restorations, implant supported prosthesis, with self-tooth regeneration and implanting a bio-capsule which will develop in site into a fully developed tooth and naturally erupt into function. You just have to buy a good on-shelf brand. Do you feel that this is too much to comprehend? Don’t worry, it was also too much to grasp by Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Maxwell Plank, and many of the greatest minds of our time and that’s the beauty of science.